Manuali e libri
Books and manuals
VIC-20 : per giocare con un vero computer
(scannerizzato da Vincenzo Scarpa)
Informazioni tecniche
Techical reference
Schemi elettrici
Schematics diagram
Schemi elettrici VIC-20 vers. E
This diagram is scanned from the Commodore VIC-20 Programmer's Reference guide. It describes an early NTSC motherboard and most probably contains some errors, like the Commodore 64 schematic from the Commodore 64 PRG does.
- VIC-20CR rev.D (NTSC, new design). Assy number 251027-01. The PAL model
has a crystal frequency of 4433618 Hz, and there is an extra 56pF capacitor
on the solder side of the board, soldered parallel to R5.
- 251027l1.gif
- 251027l2.gif
- 251027l3.gif
- 251027r1.gif
- 251027r2.gif
- 251027r3.gif
VC-20 rev.B (PAL, old design). Assy number 324001-03. Bad scanning quality.
- 324001_1.gif
- 324001_2.gif
Immagini delle rom:
VIC-20 Documentation Archive
Circuit Board Photos by Jeff Salzman
Parole chiave : commodore VIC-20 manuali schemi